RiFRA has restarted production two weeks ago, and the offices are fully operative and even more organized, ensuring the best health and safety regulations everywhere.
From today, Tuesday 19th May 2020, our RiFRA Stores in Milan and Rome will also reopen, ensuring our customers a totally safe welcome, in fact, as per procedure, we will proceed to the constant sanitization of the rooms and the detection of the temperature at the entrance.
Precisely in the name of our commitment to the restart we had the pleasure of hosting Rai (Italian national television); Tg2 dedicated a special to Italian companies, choosing us as a symbol of the restart.
Visit our showrooms in total safety:
RiFRA Store Milano http://milano.rifra.com/it/index.aspx
Corso Matteotti 1, 20121 Milano
Ph. +39 02 36576650
Email: milano@rifra.com
RiFRA Store Roma http://roma.rifra.com/it/index.aspx
Via Salaria 302, angolo Via Clitunno, Roma
Ph. +39 06 64781733
Email: roma@rifra.com
Given the excellent feedback obtained, the free online design service also remains active.
You can make your request by clicking on this link:
See you soon,
the team RiFRA
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