The official RiFRA blog, Kitchens and Baths direct from Milano

[VIDEO] Design talk, superior homestaging

Design Talk is the first Talk Show and Podcast, dedicated to architects and the world of design.

We talk about design, marketing, product market and materials.

The guests of this episode are our customers Simona and Marco Palermo, founders of “SUPERIOR HOME STAGING”, a Swiss company based in Zurich, but thanks to their origins, it is also aimed at a German and Italian clientele.

Marco will talk about Project Management and Simona will tell us how her creativity, passion for design, colours, art and culture characterize his work for Homestaging / styling.

“With Homestaging your property will be professionally distinguished.

With the targeted use of furniture, accessories and lights, a wellness environment will be created, evoking positive emotions. The potential buyer can imagine how he will feel in the new home.”

We will see together some of their most significant projects, some carried out in collaboration with RiFRA.

Majesty Residence, Minusio, with RiFRA Kitchen

Central Park, Ascona

Contea Park, Ascona

Click here to watch the new episode:

Or click on the video below. (We recommend activating subtitles, because the video is in Italian up to minute 8:28 and then we speak German, which is the mother tongue of the guests).

Thank you to Mr. and Ms. Palermo for their participation in RiFRA’s DesignTalk; if you liked the episode, leave a comment on our blog, social network or email.

See you to the next episode!

Laura Spinelli

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