RiFRA, an Italian company that in the world of furnishing is synonymous with elegance, style and continuous innovation, has found the ideal partner in the SUB-ZERO and WOLF products, high performance, high-end American household appliances.
An effective combination of technique, experience and experimentation that, thanks to the partnership with Frigo2000, exclusive distributor in Italy, has been able to perfectly combine with the emotional design that distinguishes RiFRA.
Visiting a company of such standing and becoming part of their home was an important opportunity for us to discover, understand and learn about the SubZero & Wolf products and their strategies for the future.
Chicago, the Windy City, is the largest metropolis in Illinois, with its overwhelming charm that characterizes the great cities of the United States of America.
Beautiful to discover looking up high, and even from above. The skyline is breathtaking and tells you years of architectural evolution; Chicago is historically the capital of the US design.
Its downtown, rich in museums, restaurants and small cafes, is a place to be, and give it a surprising vitality.
“Smile Keeping” is the expression that I will keep inside of me, because Chicago has been able to welcome us making us feel at home. The relaxed mentality is able to make you forget that you are in an immense and crowded metropolis.
The group is numerous, made up of retailers and designers from all over the world; we are welcomed and guided to visit the showroom in downtown Chicago, precisely inside the Merchandise Mart, a place designed by important architects, destined to accommodate only high-end furnishing shops.
Direction Madison, Wisconsin.
After a few hours by coach, which allowed us to observe the fascinating American landscape, we arrive at the Museum of SUB ZERO and WOLF. An emotional video and an impeccable explanation make us live the first EXPERIENCE, which involves us with enthusiasm.
“Refrigeration also played an important role in Bakke’s life, as his young son, Bud, constantly needed insulin because of diabetes. The lack of a reliable icebox forced him to frequently go to pharmacy to buy the medicine. So in 1943, with waste material found in the home cellar, Bakke built the first prototype freezer.”
As long as performance was combined with design and hence the origin of a product of maximum excellence, able to fit into any environment, with a focus on quality and service.
DAY 3: BAKKE CENTER, Madison Wisconsin
Our morning starts very early and cooking!
We prepared our breakfast using products at km “0” rigorously stored in SUB-ZERO refrigerators and cooked in WOLF ovens and hobs, to experiment and then tell to our clients what we personally lived.
A large conference room welcomed us to listen to important technical explanations thanks to the intervention of deeply experienced staff and strong brand membership.
After wearing protective goggles and headphones, we are guided through production, first of WOLF and then SUB-ZERO.
Obviously different production for the different products but both with a strong attention to quality.
100% of the products are subject to quality controls, so that the product always arrives flawlessly at the customer’s home.
“The company grew, but the production strategy remained focused on excellence in quality and service.” Cit.
To conclude, we have challenged each other in a “Design Challenger”.
Divided by countries of the world, designers had to design, on commission, a kitchen that stood out for its design and the ad hoc choice of appliances.
A series of entertaining presentations that highlighted the fantastic cultural characteristics of each country, have elected Italy the winner!
A last dinner for greetings, in the characteristic “Barn”, surrounded by the seasonal vegetable garden managed by Chef Joel, who told us about his experience with these high and inimitable appliances engineering.
We come back to Italy professionally motivated and personally enriched.
We thank SUB ZERO and WOLF, FRIGO2000 and all the staff who were able to involve the whole world making us feel at home; they also listened to and answered all our questions in a comprehensive way.
It has been fundamental for RiFRA to be able to deepen the knowledge of a company that offers an excellent Taylor made product.
“If you build a quality product, you will always have customers”.
Westye F. Bakke
You can retrace our training tour by watching this video:
Thank you
Laura Spinelli
PS: Sign up for our YouTube channel http://www.youtube.com/rifra to stay up-to-date at all times.
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